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Ten awesome images of Ferrari World Abu Dhabi as it prepares to celebrate tenth anniversary
Ten awesome images of Ferrari World Abu Dhabi as it prepares to celebrate tenth anniversary

Your guide to the seven scariest roller coasters in the UAE

Thrilling rides at the country’s top theme parks

1 Capitol Bullet Train, motiongate Dubai
Located in the Hunger Games zone of the park, this half-pipe coaster is a firm favourite with team Time Out. Insane speeds and drops, plus what feels like a very slow-motion upside down loop, make this one to try if you think you can handle it.
Fear Factor: 3/4
Minimum height: 130cm

2 Cheese Spin at Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi
As the queue winds its way through Tom and Jerry’s house, you’ll be lulled into a false sense of security that this is going to be an easy ride. It’s not. As the bar comes down on your Swiss cheese car, you may begin to question this idea, and as you are dragged slowly higher and higher up the track, it becomes obvious that the only way is down – and fast. Speed through a dark, UV-lit space – oh, and your cart spins round uncontrollably too. One to do before lunch.
Fear Factor: 3/5
Minimum height: 1.10m

3 Flying Aces, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi
Board an old-school military bi-plane before scaling 63 metres at a spectacular 51-degree incline – try and keep your eyes open as the views are pretty cool. Then it’s onwards and upwards at speeds of 120 kmph towards the world’s highest roller coaster loop. You would be forgiven for closing your eyes right about now – feel the g-force.
Fear Factor: 3/5
Minimum height: 130cm

4 Formula Rossa, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi
Thisi is properly terrifying. But that’s what makes it so incredible. Reaching dizzying heights of 52 metres and speeds of up to 240 kmph (from 0 kmph in just 4.9 seconds may we add), which is faster than Lewis Hamilton races around the F1 track, it’s definitely not for the faint-hearted.
Fear Factor: 5/5
Minimum height: 140cm

5 Madagascar Mad Pursuit, motiongate Dubai
Don’t think this is just a kids’ ride. The carriage starts off slowly working its way around the track, alongside characters from the Madagascar movie. But a brightly lit tunnel looms in front of you, which you are hurled into at great speed before dropping and climbing among the kooky visuals. Expect a lot of screaming (and not just from the younger riders).

Fear Factor: 3/5
Minimum height: 120cm

6 Spiderman Doc Ock’s Revenge at IMG Worlds of Adventure
It’s hard to to tell whether you’re coming or going on this white-knuckle, adrenalin-inducing attraction. The ride spins, it reaches crazy speeds and it’s mostly in the pitch dark – best of all, when you go on it for the first time you have zero idea what you’re letting yourself in for as the entire roller coaster is concealed bar a tiny snippet.
Fear Factor: 4/5
Minimum height: 1.20m or 1.05m if accompanied

7 Velociraptor, IMG Worlds of Adventure, Dubai
This roller coaster is a definite winner, though it will make you scream right from the start all the way to the finish line. The best part is when the ride transitions from indoors to outdoors – it literally feels like you’ve broken through the wall are flying towards Emirates Road.

Fear Factor: 4/5
Minimum height: 130cm