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Brunch review: Thursday brunch at Brick Rooftop Kitchen

The Sundowner Brunch is a chilled night event with live music

You know what happens once you get to November… Everyone tells you how perfect the weather is, including us. And to be fair to, well, absolutely everyone, they’re totally right about it, and spending time outdoors as much as humanly possible is top of our agendas.

At Brick Rooftop Kitchen there is no escaping the elements. The al fresco bar and restaurant takes up a large space on the roof of Aloft Abu Dhabi and enjoys great views of the surrounding area, especially at night.

Now, with the launch of a new Thursday brunch, it is making the most of its lofty perch and starting the weekend with a bang.

The Sundowners brunch actually starts just as the sun has dipped below the horizon but as the golden glow turns to the dark of night, it offers a brilliant chance to gaze out towards the Capital Gate building, the furthest leaning man-made building in the world don’t you know. While we sip on our first drinks we’re happy to see so many people in the venue for the new brunch, too, a good sign given the year restaurants and bars have had so far.

The menu is available via a QR code (we’re getting used to this now) and we order a few dishes from the menu to share.

First up are chicken wings and lamb ribs. The lamb is special, meat falls off the bone (and into our mouths) and we clear the lot. The chicken wings are also good but beware the bubbling temparature. We recommend giving them a minute or two to cool down.

A pie arrives at the table next. We didn’t order it, but after tucking into the short ribs, potato mash and bean cassoulet, we’re pleased it made an appearance. It’s simple comfort food and we heartily recommend it.

Next up is a fillet of salmon, cooked in the venue’s signature brick ovens (that’s where it gets its name, see). It’s served with caramelised lemon on the side and it is a triumph. The skin is crisp and charred and the flesh is flaky, with a wonderfully smokey flavour throughout. The caramelised lemon is the only bit we’re not convinced about and most of it remains.

There’s a great buzz about the place, with the chatter of groups a great bit of background noise. There’s also a musician playing acoustic covers of tunes from artists such as Amy Winehouse and The Black Keys.

It really is fantastic to have live music back, especially when it adds to the atmosphere in a venue instead of completely dominating it.

You have to try one of the pizzas here, after all the ovens are made for them. They’re super popular and are making their way to most of the tables.

We try one with (shockingly red) tandoori chicken on top. It looks the part, bubbled and charred, but the base in the middle is a little less crisp than we would like. It’s good but not as exceptional as we thought it would be, coming from such a piece of equipment.

Finally, we tuck into the smores, which are, in a word, sublime. On top of a pool of molten chocolate sit toasted marshmallows, all flanked by graham crackers, ready to break off and dip. It’s incredibly sweet and feels very indulgent and while it may be a heavy end to the meal, it also feels like the perfect way to finish up this night-time al fresco feast.

This brunch is a great way to start the weekend and with a bit more care in the pizza department it would be pretty much perfect.
Dhs225 (soft drinks), Dhs295 (house beverages). Thu 7pm-10pm. Brick Rooftop Kitchen, Aloft Abu Dhabi (052 837 0047).