Posted inKids Christmas

Why it’s ok to be excited for Christmas already

Five reasons the season of goodwill can’t come soon enough

The jumpers

We all know as soon as it’s November, shops are filled with their winter collections and people across the UAE sweat their way through the day in the name of being able to wear a chunky knit. In our opinion all those overcoats and cardigans are a little bit silly, but no-one can argue with the joy a Christmas jumper brings. Giggling as a slightly cheeky reindeer approaches you in the mall, chuckling at some outrageously placed baubles and sniggering at a droll slogan are all part of the fun. Bring it on.


Whether you prefer traditional hymns, old-school festive favourites or the cheesy pop songs of the last 50 years, you’ve got to admit there are some real bangers in the cannon. Okay, we’ll admit to not really understanding what qualifies Frankie goes to Hollywood’s The Power of Love as a Christmas tune, or how Mr Blobby ended up as number one in the UK in 1993, but we’re still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt when the Spotify playlist throws them up. Even the tearjerkers such as Nat King Cole’s The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot are welcome, as it’s a time of year that really pulls on the heartstrings.

Making relatives jealous

Alright, this isn’t really in the spirit of Christmas, but those of us in the UAE that can’t travel home to see family over the festive period have to do something to cheer ourselves up. Our favourite is getting a selfie on Christmas Day. You can keep the drizzle and sub-zero temperatures, thank you very much, we have paper hats on, as well as Factor 15, and we’re  brunching on a beach. Say ‘cheese board’…

While we’re on the subject of cheese

Christmas gives you carte blanche to eat cheese every single day of the festivities. Bring the start date forward, devour more cheese. Who could argue with that logic?


If we were writing this at the age of ten, it would undoubtedly be about how amazing it is to receive loads of presents on Christmas morning, but now, older and wiser (in theory), it’s all about seeing our loved ones faces as they open their gifts. This year that might have to happen over a video call, but if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that staying connected with people is incredibly important. Virtual present unwrapping is going to be all the rage this year.