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See some of the earliest photographs ever taken at Louvre Abu Dhabi

The amazing historical pictures are on display until July

It’s hard to image a world without cameras these days.

We simply can’t stop snapping images on our smartphones, but believe it or not, there was a time before selfies, SLR’s and even Polaroid’s (remember them?).

Photography is a modern phenomenon, and back in the early days of picture taking it took more than a quick shutter snap to capture an image.

Giving you a glimpse into the past and showcasing some of the earliest photographic work, Louvre Abu Dhabi’s new exhibition Photographs 1842-1896: An Early Album of the World, is an impressive collection.

The images include rare pictures taken by sailors in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, India and the Americas, that document the diversity of life in the 19th century.

The exhibition features a total of 250 images that were all taken over a century ago.

Entry is free with a ticket to the museum, and it will be on display until July 13, 2019.

Dhs60 (museum entry). Louvre Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island (600 565 566).