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Apple launches free summer camps for kids in Abu Dhabi

Kids can learn to code robots, create and edit music and videos this summer

If you feel like your kids are permanently attached to their tablets or smartphones, here’s a way to benefit from it. Apple has launched a brand-new summer workshop that is designed to get little ones learning about how to code, and how to build a future in tech.

And the best part is that it’s entirely free.

Kids aged eight to 12 are encouraged to head along to the camp, which takes place at the Apple store at Yas Mall on Yas Island over four consecutive weeks in July and August (starting on Monday July 8, with various dates and times available).

There are four different camps, all with various dates and times.

Kids will learn how to direct and edit their own movie in iMovie, using certain Apple software and devices – but they’ll learn how to find the angles and shots they want for their clips, then how to edit it together, and tell their story.

There’s also a design course where they’ll learn how to design their own park purely from their own imagination, while the GarageBand camp will teach kids how to create a song from scratch – including programming beats, creating melodies and riffs using smart instruments and the basics of rhythm.

Finally, there’s a coding camp where kids can programme Sphero robots (seriously, they’re really cool), and they’ll get to programme lights, sounds, movements and animations from their own little Sphero.

All devices are provided so there’s no basic requirements to take part, and it’s totally free.

For more information, visit

Free. From Mon Jul 8, times and dates vary. Yas Mall, Yas Island,