Posted inEducation

UAE schools to return on Sunday August 30

Ministry of Education confirms the starting date of the new academic year

Schools across the UAE are set to reopen for a new academic year on Sunday August 30.

The Minister of Education, Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, confirmed that the 2020 / 2021 academic year will begin on Sunday August 30 as per the calendar already approved by the Ministerial Development Council.

All teaching staff, as well as those working in administrative roles at the schools, will be required to resume work a week before on Sunday August 23.

“Education remains a top priority and national objective, and therefore our leadership has directed to apply the distance education system under the current circumstances so that our students won’t lose track and miss one single day from their academic year,” Al Hammadi said, in a statement on news agency WAM.

While this confirmation will be welcome news to parents across the UAE, it still hasn’t been communicated as to what learning will actually look like when the students go back at the end of August.

The KHDA has implied that a number of scenarios are being looked at one of which is a return to school with a mixture of distance learning as well as in-classroom teaching.

The ministry has previously explained that a return to the classroom will depend on the status of the pandemic and by looking at the precautionary recommended by the relevant authorities.