Posted inEducation

Beat The CyberBully has launched a brand-new app to keep kids in Dubai safe online

Digital wellbeing workshops, podcasts videos and on your mobile

Great news for parents who are worried about what their children may stumble upon in the digital world (that’ll be most of them), Beat The CyberBully has launched an app aimed at keeping Dubai kids safe online.

Beat The CyberBully is a website that provides education, awareness and training on the subjects of online and mobile usage among children and young people, and now all the information is available on the go thanks to a new mobile application.

Given the amount of time kids are spending on their devices, ensuring that they aren’t getting into trouble online is forefront in most parents’ minds – and rightly so.

Mums, dads, teachers and kids can access a whole host of information on the app including online safety and digital wellbeing videos, workshops and podcasts.

In addition, there is plenty of information from therapists and healthcare professionals and there’w even an alert system where anyone using the app will get notifications of the latest information as it comes in.
The app is available to download from iTunes or Google Play.