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Cool new things to watch on Netflix this weekend

Here’s what’s new to your TV box

Looking for something fresh to watch this weekend? Of course you are, we’re always in a constant search for new content to dive head first into.

Save yourself some scrolling this weekend and check out this new stuff that’s popped up on Netflix recently.


If you’ve not heard of this one then you must have been living in a cave with no internet connection or at least not been on social media for a few months. The Netflix original is a period drama that follows Daphne Bridgerton, the eldest daughter of the powerful Bridgerton family as she makes her debut onto Regency London’s competitive marriage market. Don’t worry it’s a more interesting than we’re managing to make it sound. In fact 63 million households have watched since it was released on Christmas Day so you might as well join in and give it a go too.

Cobra Kai (3 seasons)

Wax on, wax off. No one could have predicted that a TV series following on from Karate Kid would be such a resounding success and that, already, we’d be three seasons in. On Netflix you can find the most recent third season, and all the rest, ready to be discovered. If you’ve never seen the original films then worry not there’s still plenty to love and if you have then you’ll be right up to scratch. It’s a lot of fun. 

Firefly lane

Wait, is that Elliot from Scrubs? Yes, yes it is, but I’m sure Sarah Chalke would quickly point out that she’s starred in loads of things since she hung up her, erhm, scrubs back in 2010. Firefly lane is a feel-good drama that follows a friendship that spans three decades. If you’re looking to enjoy an easy-to-watch series about friendship with two strong leads in the aforementioned Sarah Chalke and Katherine Heigl then you’re in the right place. Turn it on and watch the whole series in one go. You know how this works by now.


We love a good heist story and this one is a cracker. It’s in French, but don’t be lazy you can read subtitles, or if you speak French then you can just listen. The story follows a plot to steal a famous necklace from Louvre Museum in Paris, you know the original museum not the one on Saadiyat Island. Plus, it’s hard not to think the main character Arsene Lupin is the coolest man alive even though he is technical a master criminal. It’s complicated, but trust us he’s cool (and a thief).


What a black and white film? Steady on, it’s a style choice and a perfect way to tell a brilliant story of Hollywood’s golden era. The film tells the story of troubled screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz as he races to finish “Citizen Kane. It’s stylish, funny, moving and wacky plus it’s got an all star cast including Gary Oldman, Amanda Seyfried, Lilyl Collisn and more. Go on, give it a watch.

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