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The UAE is the happiest country in the Arab world

The emirates came 21st globally in the United Nations report

The UAE is now the happiest Arab country and 21st in the world, according to a United Nations report.

The emirates had a point score of 6.791, according to the World Happiness Report produced by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The report asks a sample of people living in each country to rank their country out of ten in six categories. These include the levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption.

According to the report’s authors, “the variables used reflect what has been broadly found in the research literature to be important in explaining national-level differences in life evaluations”.

Finland took the top spot overall, with a point score of 7.809. The UAE was followed by Saudi Arabia in second out of the Arab countries, and 27th overall, while Bahrain was third and 40th globally.

Abu Dhabi was the 35th best city for well-being, while Dubai was 39th.

The news comes after the UAE was named the safest city in the world last year.

According to the national agenda index, 96.1 percent of people feel safe walking outside at night.