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Ten amazing Instagram pictures of Abu Dhabi right now

Travel to the other emirates has been suspended for workers in Abu Dhabi

The government has introduced further restrictions for those in the capital

Abu Dhabi’s Department of Economic Development (DED) has announced further precautionary measures as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Labourers employed in the capital are no longer permitted to travel to the other emirates for work reasons.

The news was announced by the Abu Dhabi Media office on Twitter and explained that the action has been taken to protect the health and safety of workers from the spread of the novel coronavirus as it will reduce the likelihood of infection.

The new measure means that travel has been limited to within Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra during lockdown.

It also states that there will be no entry into Abu Dhabi for labourers from the other Emirates until further notice.

“Companies are no longer permitted to send workers out of Abu Dhabi, and must limit their travel to within Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra,” Abu Dhabi Media Office tweeted. “The Department’s measures also prevent the entry of workers from other emirates into Abu Dhabi.”

This is the latest among many efforts made by the government to control the spread of the virus and support residents who have been effected by it.

Earlier this week, it was announced that struggling families in the capital can now apply to receive financial support as a special fund has been set up for parents who have lost their jobs or had their wages cut due to the global situation.

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