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You can now order groceries and snacks from ADNOC Oasis on Talabat

Save yourself a journey to the petrol station

We live in a city where almost everything is at our fingertips.

Takeaways, taxis, laundry service, you name it, there’s probably an app for it and it lets you stay on the couch (if you want to that is).

If you’re at home self-isolating and you need a few odds and ends but don’t want to order from a supermarket, then there’s a new option available.

ADNOC Distribution has launched a home delivery service through Talabat, so you can order a number of groceries, snacks and more from your smartphone.

With more than 1,100 items to choose from, you can select what you want and have it delivered to your door within 30 minutes.

“As we continue to make things as accessible as possible for our customers, we want to ensure they have access to the essentials they need safely and conveniently,” said Ahmed Al Shamsi, acting CEO, ADNOC Distribution.

“As one of the UAE’s leading providers of home delivery service, Talabat offers an excellent, reliable network that guarantees delivery our customers can rely on whilst upholding the Stay Home directives.”

All you need to do is download the Talabat app and search for ADNOC Oasis to make an order.