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Update: UAE increases fines and penalties for violating COVID-19 guidelines

There are currently 46 fines, which range from Dhs500 to Dhs50,000

Last night (Monday May 18), the UAE announced new timings for National Sterilisation Programme ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2020.

From Wednesday May 20 onwards, and until further notice, the programme will run between 8pm and 6am. Currently, the programme takes place between 10pm and 6am.

Advisor Salem Al Zaabi, Acting Chief of Prosecution of the Emergency Crisis & Disasters Committee, at the General Prosecution, also announced an update to the list of violations and fines to curb the spread of COVID-19.

There are currently 46 fines, which range from Dhs500 to Dhs50,000. Here is the full list of violations:

Violation of orders for compulsory hospitalisation of those testing positive for COVID-19

• Dhs50,000 fine for violating the order for compulsory hospitalisation of those testing positive by refusing to comply with instructions or refusing to continue prescribed treatment despite being notified.

Violation of non-compliance with instructions to quarantine at home or in private quarantine facilities

• Dhs50,000 fine for failure to adhere to the home quarantine instructions as per the Home Quarantine Guidelines Manual, failure to retake the test according to health procedures, or for refraining from implementing them.

• Dhs50,000 fine for failing to comply with the quarantine instructions in the private quarantine facility selected by the authorities, failure to retake the test, or refraining from implementing health procedures.

Violation of home quarantine procedures using electronic tracking system by committing any of the following acts:

• Dhs10,000 fine for refusing to install or register on the smart application, or failure to carry the electronic device for tracking home quarantine cases, or causing it to be lost or destroyed, or disrupting the network or connection. The offender will also bear the cost of the electronic device, if lost or damaged.

• Dhs20,000 fine for hacking the systems of these applications or smart devices, destroying, deleting, damaging or changing the programme, system of website, or illegally obtaining data or information related to it or initiating any of these actions. The offender will also bear the cost of all damages.

• Dhs10,000 fine for refusing, without an acceptable excuse, to notify the concerned contact centre if the smart device is lost, damaged, or malfunctioned, or the network distributed, within 24 hours from the time contact with the carrier was lost.

Violation of non-compliance with the closure of establishments and the suspension of tourist cruises

• Dhs50,000 fine for violating the closure or operating hours instructions of educational facilities, cinemas, gyms, entertainment centres, malls, shopping centres, outdoor markets, retail shops in all of its forms and types, gardens, parks, cafés, restaurants, beaches, public swimming pools and hotel swimming pools. For receiving customers and visitors in violation of the guidelines and rules defined by each emirate in the UAE.

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for the owner of retail shops outside a shopping centre.

• Dhs20,000 fine issued to the owner of the establishment for failing to install thermal cameras or take any of the precautionary measures or actions, as defined by the authorities in each of the emirates in the UAE, when opening any of the facilities mentioned above.

• Dhs10,000 fine for violation of non-compliance with the temporary suspension of tourist cruises, or for violating procedures or measures decided by the authorities to resume operations, in accordance with the controls set in each of the emirates in the UAE.

Violation of bans or restrictions on gatherings, meetings or group celebrations
• Dhs10,000 fine issued to the organiser or host of meetings, private and public celebrations, gatherings in public areas or private farms.

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for everyone attending.

Violation of preventative measures by passengers arriving in the UAE

• Dhs5,000 fine for violating precautionary measures issued by the Ministry of Health and Prevention by passengers coming to the UAE from countries affected by communicable diseases.

Violation of refraining from taking appropriate health measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus

• Dhs3,000 fine for refraining to take appropriate health measures regarding the regulation of markets, roads, and other public places exempted from temporary closure.

• Dhs3,000 fine for refusing to dispose of any temporary structure, clothes, luggage or other items proved to be contaminated by any pathogen, and can’t be disinfected by established methods.

• Dhs20,000 fine issued for the party responsible for the accredited health laboratories for failing to immediately link the data of tested individuals to relevant authorities in accordance with the instructions of the health authorities in each emirate in the UAE.

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for the responsible party of the establishment for violating instructions issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates regarding the conditions for cleaning and sterilising equipment, devices and machines inside establishments or equipment and tools in contact with food.

• Dhs1,000 fine for violating instructions issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates related to the cleanliness and personal hygiene practices of workers inside establishments or shared housing for workers.

• Dhs1,000 fine for violating instructions issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates regarding the use of chemicals (cleaning, sanitisation, disinfection and pesticides) or the types of materials used.

• Dhs1,000 fine for violating instructions issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates regarding displaying, transferring or storing food, health and veterinary materials, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pesticides, or other materials.

• Dhs2,000 fine for violating any of the decisions or instructions issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates of the UAE to preserve health and safety and prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

Violation of failing to take precautionary measures for the crew of cruise ships

• Dhs10,000 fine for failing to take precautionary measures for the crew of cruise ships by the captain or the shipping agent depending on the situation.

Violation of provisions related to burying or transporting bodies of infected individuals

• Dhs5,000 fine for violating the provisions of the Executive Regulations of the Communicable Diseases Law when burying or transporting the body of a deceased individual infected with communicable diseases.

Violation of exceeding the allowed number of passengers per vehicle

• Dhs3,000 fine issued to any driver with more than three people in one car (i.e. one driver and two passengers). Excluded from this are members of the same family or second-degree relatives.

• Dhs5,000 fine and vehicle impounding for a month for any driver using a vehicle to transport goods, objects, or other items that contravene the authorised purpose and for doing so in violation of health and safety regulations.

Violation of not wearing masks or failure to observe social distancing and violation of not wearing medical or cloth masks or veils in the following cases:

• Dhs3,000 fine when visiting closed public places or shopping centres, and while using public transportation.

• Dhs3,000 fine when walking around or being in public areas that are crowded or high traffic areas.

• Dhs3,000 fine for being in private vehicles with two or more passengers (i.e. the driver of the vehicle and one or more passengers).

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for the employer and owner of the company, establishment or workplace, including workers’ accommodation.

• Dhs500 fine issued for the employee or worker.

• Dhs3,000 fine issued for failing to maintain social distancing.

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for the owner of shopping centres, commercial outlets or any other establishment for failing to take the necessary measures to observe social distancing, or allowing overcrowding and assembling inside these establishments, including cafés, restaurants, beaches, gyms, public swimming pools, hotel pools or others under their custodianship.

• Dhs3,000 fine for violating preventative measures for persons issued by the concerned authorities in the Emirates, including while exercising or taking part in sports or recreational activities in open places or hotel beaches, and when walking or gathering in gardens or public parks.

• Dhs3,000 fine issued for the owner of the company or establishment for failing to comply with maximum capacity rates for the number of employees allowed inside a facility, commercial establishment or company workplace.

Violation of not sterilising means of transport

• Dhs5,000 fine issued for the manager of the company or establishment for failing to carry out sterilisation procedures in public and private transport (including taxis).

Violation of frequenting healthcare facilities other than at prearranged times

• Dhs1,000 fine for visiting a healthcare facility other than at a prearranged time, or for unnecessary situations.

Violation or refusing to undergo a medical examination or abuse of the right to an examination

• Dhs5,000 fine for refusing to undergo a medical examination upon the request of relevant authorities.

• Dhs1,000 fine for retaking a laboratory test for coronavirus at attested health laboratories within two weeks without a valid reason.

Violation of leaving home during announced curfews

• Dhs3,000 fine for leaving home or travelling during curfew times announced by relevant authorities, except for necessary matters such as buying food, medicine, and health emergencies. Workers within vital sectors are exempt from this violation.

Medical, technical and administrative personnel working in all governmental and private health facilities are covered in these vital sectors.

Violation of the prohibition of transferring workers between Emirates, or failure to observe precautionary measures when transporting

• Dhs10,000 fine for the owner or the company or establishment, and for the driver if concerning a private vehicle, for violating the ban on transferring workers between Emirates by any means of transport, except for exempted categories.

• Dhs5,000 fine for each violation for the owner of the company or establishment for failure to comply with precautionary measures when transferring excluded workers between Emirates or between regions and cities of the same emirate in terms of:

• Violating capacity measures (i.e. half capacity – half the number of seats) in shared transport.

• Violating measures related to wearing masks, and social distancing when boarding and disembarking from transport services. A fine of Dhs500 will be issued for the employee or worker.

• Dhs500 fine for the worker.

Violation of private tuition (private classes)

• Dhs30,000 fine for any individual offering, organising, or mediating private teaching activity (private lessons) through direct contact (personal meetings) in public or private places, or home visits in return for or without compensation, for all educational levels, or for allowing private lessons to be provided or organised.

• Dhs20,000 fine for any owner of a private place where a private lesson was held or organised.

Violation of personal data protection for people with coronavirus who are under treatment or examination

• Dhs20,000 fine for collecting, copying, broadcasting, disclosing, publicising, transmitting or circulating health data or information about individuals who have tested positive, are undergoing treatment or examination with the health authorities, or cancelling, deleting, destroying, or altering any of that data or information.

• Dhs5,000 fine for failure to comply with or for violating information security standards approved by government or private health facilities.

Those who repeat a violation face a prison sentence of up to six months or a minimum Dhs100,000 fine.

For your up-to-the-minute guide to what’s happening in Dubai, head here. For Abu Dhabi click here, for Sharjah click here.