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Abu Dhabi Sports Council releases guidelines for resuming sports and re-opening of gyms

Health and safety measures are in place for re-launching

Abu Dhabi Sports Council has announced a number of health and safety requirements for the resumption of sports and clubs in the UAE capital.

New guidelines must be adhered to before resumption of sports by sports facilities, trainers, regulators, staff and players or participants.

Facilities must apply for permission to re-open their venue and meet the requirements by submitting the application to the council here.

Venues are not permitted to exceed a 30 percent capacity, must ensure safe social distancing is practiced, determine training points with clear ground markings and ensure there is no crowding at any time.

For individuals joining classes, playing sports or attending gyms, gloves must be worn at all times, heat tests will be carried out, safe distancing of two metres must be observed and personal hygiene kits must be carried individually.

Staff are also required to undertake daily tests, wear protective equipment and sterilise all facilities and equipment each hour.

All facilities and venues are also required to have quarantine or medical isolation areas for suspected cases.

More health and safety measures have also been announced in line with recommendations from the World Health Organisation and will be shared with participants as and when they take part in classes, sports or attend gyms once they have reopened.

Individual venues and facilities will announce their reopening once they have received confirmation from Abu Dhabi Sports Council in the coming weeks.