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Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways launch Wellness Ambassadors to improve passenger safety

The staff will help keep you safe

Etihad Airways has launched a new wellness programe to help improve passenger safety when travelling from Abu Dhabi.

Etihad Wellness has been launched in addition to procedures introduced at Abu Dhabi Airport to keep passengers safe in transit.

As part of the programme, a fleet of specially trained Wellness Advisors will be on hand at Abu Dhabi Airport to provide essential information and support for passengers.

The Wellness Ambassadors will be at every stage of the journey until passengers board their flight, while future plans are in place to include Wellness Ambassadors on flights.

Etihad Airways has also produced an online guide that explains in detail the efforts to ensure cleanliness, health and hygiene for all Etihad passengers.

“The wide-ranging measures we are taking are a strong reflection of those already in place across the emirate of Abu Dhabi,” said Tony Douglas, chief executive of the Etihad Aviation Group.

“When restrictions are fully lifted and travellers can once again enjoy the best our wonderful home has to offer, they can rest assured their trip will be to one of the cleanest and most well-maintained destinations in the world.”
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