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UAE’s National Sterilisation Programme has now ended

People across the Emirates permitted to move at all hours as of Wednesday June 24

The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has lifted movement restrictions in the UAE.

As of Wednesday June 24, the UAE Government will allow UAE residents the freedom to go out throughout the day and night, without time restrictions.

“National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority: allowing the freedom to go out and return for all members of society throughout the day without restrictions as of today, Wednesday, June 24.”

“The cooperation between the efforts of the state and the commitment of citizens and residents was, and still is, a major reason for the success of the UAE in tackling this disease.”

The lift was announced through the NCEMA’s twitter:

Earlier this week it was announced that Dubai will begin to welcome tourists back starting in July, while citizens and residents are now permitted to travel overseas, as restrictions are gradually lifted throughout the UAE.

For further updates on Dubai, click here and Abu Dhabi click here