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UAE residents and citizens urged to be vigilant

Fines will be imposed as COVID-19 cases rise

As the UAE recorded 930 COVID-19 cases – the highest daily figure in four months – the UAE government put out a stern warning to abide by social distancing measures.

Residents and citizens are urged to limit gatherings, wear masks and be responsible to help curb the spread of COVID-19.

A press conference today (Thursday September 10) stated that one month ago – on August 10 – there were 179 new infections. Today with more than 900, UAE residents and citizens are urged to be vigilant.

According to stats, 62 percent of the total infections in the UAE have been males, and 38 percent women.

Twelve percent of the infections in the past two weeks have been emiratis and UAE residents who have come in from abroad, who although have had negative PCR tests have not abided by the 14-day quarantine.

The other 88 percent of detected cases are the result of gatherings and mingling – funerals, weddings and at work, with people failing to implement quarantine and not abiding by precautionary measures such as wearing masks.

The announcement said the rise was due to people not being compliant in social distancing or wearing masks, as well as negligence and not taking symptoms seriously.

The UAE government will be working on having more inspections and holding violators accountable – whether that’s individuals not wearing masks or undertaking quarantine, or shopping centres, restaurants and public areas not taking temperatures or sticking to capacity. Fines will be imposed.

People must implement the quarantine protocol after being in contact with a person who has tested positive – even if you’ve had negative PCR test. The test needs to be negative on the 14th day to finish quarantine.