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Should UAE residents get the flu vaccine before the winter months?

How can the vaccine help and what are the benefits?

The weather is cooling down and the summer sun has gone on holiday until next year.

While we’re glad to see the mercury drop and to get the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, with the drop in temperature and the coming of winter where the flu and colds become far more common.

As we prepare for another flu season and with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, should we be getting the flu vaccine this year?

“This will benefit a lot, the people who take the flu vaccine will have a lesser risk of getting the COVID-19 virus and hence will reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death,” Said Dr Safdar Zabeth, specialist of family medicine at Medcare Medical Centre.

“The number of people getting infected will reduce in the whole of the UAE if people get the vaccine.”

“Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions.”

Flu symptoms and COVID-19 symptoms are diferent but here is some overlap between the two and being vaccinated could help individuals distinguish between the two when symptoms begin to show.

“Both [the flu and COVID-19] have similar complaints of fever with body pains mainly and could be associated with a sore throat,” says Dr Zabeth.

“But, in COVID-19 the patient will present shortness of breath as well as low oxygen levels in complicated cases.”

With the ongoing pandemic in mind, those who experience symptoms including a sore throat or a cough may be reluctant to leave the house to seek medical attention.

If symptoms arise, should you go to the doctors for a check-up?

“Consult with a doctor and get the PCR test done, then an individual must isolate at home until the PCR test result is ready,” says Dr Zabeth.

“After, staying home until in necessary until there is a complete recovery from the illness to prevent its spread.”

With flu season upon us many hospitals and medical facilities will be offering the flu vaccine.

It is an individual choice to be vaccinated or not but as always before receiving any medical treatment of any kind it is important to consult with your doctor.