Posted inBrunch

Zaya Nurai Island Brunch review

Stunning scenery and faultless food on a picture-perfect private island

If ever there was a way to make everyone you’ve ever met absolutely hate you through the medium of social media, try documenting your Friday brunch at Zaya Nurai Island. Take pictures of the private island’s nearly empty sandy beaches, the romantic palms blowing softly in the breeze, and you, with turquoise water lapping around your feet. Say something casually dismissive as though this is just a normal day for you now, while everyone at home is probably still at work. There is a reason Brangelina – pre-split – were said to have holidayed here.

We arrive at a small welcome cabin on Saadiyat Island where we’re ushered to a boat and whizzed out into the Gulf. Within about 15 minutes we have arrived at Zaya Nurai, and are met from the boat by staff who escort us though walkways lined with lush foliage to their flagship restaurant, called Frangipani.

Its interior is fresh and minimalist, the outside terrace simple, because why mess around with gaudy decorations when everyone’s going to be looking out at the beautiful sea? We immediately take a seat outdoors (do this while the weather still permits).

The food is a mix of buffet and made-to-order grills cooked outside by the pool under the shade of some trees, and the options are comprehensive. There is paella, and cheese-smothered penne, and noodles. There is guacamole and salsa, beetroot hummus and more mini cakes than you can shake a stick at. There are oysters, langoustines, fresh sushi and chicken tikka. There is even a huge block of beautifully mature cheddar with oatcakes. We are happy.

The standout dishes are, well, everything. All of it is cooked well and seasoned perfectly. The grill is our top pick, though — juicy lamb chops, and huge barbecue-charred prawns that are absolutely to die for. When we really, really cannot fit any more into our bellies, we laze on the huge sun loungers by the beach.

We absolutely intend to go back for more, but it is only now we are told a vital piece of information — we are free to roam anywhere on the island. Yes please.

We hitch a buggy ride to beachfront pizzeria Smokin’ Pineapple and haul ourselves up onto a set of rope swings out in the sea. It is absolute bliss, but 4pm has quickly crept up on us and we traipse back to the boat.

In fact, the only thing we can fault about this wonderful brunch is that it is over far too soon. For the price and the fact that the whole experience is so dreamlike, we really don’t want to leave.
Dhs550 (soft drinks), Dhs650 (house beverages), Dhs750 (bubbly). Fri 12.30pm-4pm. Sheikh Khalifah Bin Zayed, Nurai Isand (02 506 6222).

The bottom line
A show-stopping brunch that ends well before you’re ready to go.