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Audible has released hundreds of free audiobooks to listen to in the UAE

The platform is doing its bit to make self-isolation more enjoyable

It may be a crazy time in the world, but there is plenty to be excited about. Not only has Netflix launched a new virtual viewing party feature but now Audible has released hundreds of free audiobooks for us all to enjoy.

The platform is encouraging the world to stay in due to the current coronavirus pandemic by helping those in self isolation stay entertained with a generous giveaway.

You can now access hundreds of titles without spending a fil by simply downloading the app.

While there are endless titles to choose from, the majority of audiobooks on the list are aimed at younger readers who are currently off school as well as some literary classics to get lost in.

We’re talking Wuthering Heights, Romeo & Juliet, Frankenstein, and if that wasn’t enough of a teaser, picture this: Thandie Newton reading Jane Eyre.

We feel soothed already.