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Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways launches eco-friendly aeroplane

New sustainable aircraft the Greenliner to fly from early 2020

Etihad Airways has launched a new eco-partnership with Boeing.

The new collaboration is aiming to explore ways to reduce carbon emissions in aircraft and provide more eco-friendly transportation options for travellers.

Through the partnership, a new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, nicknamed the Greenliner, will be introduced next year, offering an ‘eco flight’ from Brussels to Abu Dhabi during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.

The aircraft sports a different design to many Etihad Airways aircraft and is mainly designed in a distinctive blue and green.

Etihad Airways has the largest fleets of Dreamliners in the Middle East and has introduced the aircraft to 38 passenger routes to replace less efficient aircraft.

Deploying the 787s is part of Etihad Airways’ aim to reduce fuel use and carbon emissions.

“The rapid growth of air travel has increased aircraft carbon emissions, and it is the responsibility the aviation industry to reverse this trend,” said Tony Douglas, group chief executive officer of the Etihad Aviation Group.

“The Etihad Greenliner will highlight the shared commitment of Etihad and Boeing to advance sustainable practices in aviation.

“The graduated blue tones of this design represent the importance of water in Arabic life and culture and symbolise the blue sky thinking needed to deliver practical, incremental initiatives to progressively lower fuel consumption and carbon emissions.”
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