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DJ Bliss interview

Marwan Parham, aka DJ Bliss, tells us about his years behind the decks

You started DJing 10 years ago, how different was the scene then?
Completely different. You didn’t have as many clubs and obviously the music was a lot different… It was also the year UK garage was really popular, and that’s what I used to play a lot.

What did you wish you’d known then?
That it was going to die [laughs]. I still love garage and still play it, and even today it’s one of those classic things, they never made any new UK garage music, but there are classics so you can still throw those songs in.

What did you want to be when you were 10?
I really had no idea. My dad was in the toy business – he brought The Smurfs over here, and the Trolls – so I think it was always on the table to take over the family business. I don’t think I ever thought I would do this full time, even when I was at university I was studying computers, and my two older brothers were in multinationals, so they were in nine-five suit-type jobs. My parents were quite conservative about me DJing and what I was going to do with my life, I think now they’ve seen how I’ve progressed they’re happy about it.

You’ve just released your first single for download – can you tell us a bit about it?
It’s called ‘Everything About You’. I’ve been working on the production for a while now. I’m really in the learning process, but I’ve been working with some very talented individuals. We’ve been doing trial and error with a lot of songs, but this one just worked out, it sounded fresh. It’s a pop-R&B song, it features a singer from Saudi Arabia, he’s only 20 years only, his name’s Ayzee and he’s very talented. It’s just a guy talking about a girl, how he loves everything about her, how he feels lost that she’s not around anymore. It’s still quite a clubby song, yet it’s a bit of a sad song.

What’s next on your agenda?
I’m just about to do a new show called That’s Entertainment. It’s news style, talking about news that’s happening internationally, over here, celebrity news and that kind of stuff, and will air in another couple of weeks.

What about the DJ side?
Music is something I’m really concentrating on. I just came back from a tour of Europe, and it went really well. We did almost 20 shows in Europe and the response was really good. I’ll probably be doing more shows there in the winter and also in South East Asia.

Where do you hope to be 10 years from now?
I definitely don’t think I’m going to be DJing that much when I’m 40. The thought of not DJing does kill me a little bit, it’s not that once you get past a certain age you have to stop DJing, but everything I’ve done has always been related to music, so I’m sure I’ll do something related to music still.
DJ Bliss’s debut single ‘Everything About You’ is available now for download free from