Posted inFamily

Meet-ups for mums

There’s a wealth of support out there for parents with bumps, babies and toddlers

Having young children in Abu Dhabi can be quite an isolating experience, particularly if you’re an expat. So there’s nothing like having a network of support there for the times when you’ve got questions, worries or issues with your kids. Whether you want to talk to someone who’s going through the same experiences as you, or pick the brains of more experienced mums and dads, you can join one of these welcoming groups.

Abu Dhabi Mums
This is the biggest and most active parenting group in Abu Dhabi, with more than 600 members. Since the numbers are so large, most meet-ups are broken down to suit mothers with kids of different age groups. As long as your child is under six years old, there’s bound to be one to suits you and give your little one the opportunity to mix with kids of the same age. Bumps & Babes group is for pregnant ladies and new mums with babies who are not yet crawling. The get-togethers are held once a week at different members’ houses. The next group up is called Movers & Groovers and is for babies who are beginning to crawl but not yet walking. Mums with kids at the walking stage to two years old can attend the Toddles & Waddles group. The Toddlers group is for mothers with children aged two to three years old, and the Walkers & Talkers group for three to six-year-olds – both of these include occasional outings and trips, which siblings are welcome to join. Abu Dhabi Mums’ purpose is to build a sense of community for expat mothers and children. They provide opportunities for mothers to socialise so they can make lasting friendships and provide support systems for each other. Of course, at the same time the activities and events arranged promote kids’ development. There’s an annual joining fee of Dhs100, which includes a membership card that can be used to get into various venues where activities/events are held and can also be used to obtain discounts at participating outlets in Abu Dhabi.
For more information and to check out the meet-up calendar, visit

St Andrews Playgroup
St Andrews Playgroup meets up three times a week, and is run entirely by volunteers. The age range for kids is 0-5 years old, and plenty of activities are provided, so there will be something to amuse your kid no matter which end of the spectrum they’re at – think colouring, slides and see-saws, play house, kitchens, or dolls, and a quieter matted area for babies including bouncers and walkers. The session always ends with a 10 – 15 minute singalong. Refreshments and snacks are provided for the children and of course, mum and dad. There is no annual subscription and no booking is required, you can just turn up. Each session costs Dhs15 Activities available for the children include
Visit St Andrews’ Playgroup for more information

Abu Dhabi Woman
You’ll find everything from threads about nannies to birthday party ideas on this helpful forum. A weekly bumps and babies coffee morning is hosted every Wednesday at 11am at Fanr restaurant on Saadiyat Island, where you can meet the ladies you’ve been chatting with online, and of course give your kids the chance to play together.

La Leche League
This group has branches worldwide that support women who choose to breastfeed their babies. You’ll find a supportive, encouraging branch in Abu Dhabi, where you can get all your questions answered. The group, which meets once a month, aims to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.