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UAE pledges to achieve 50 percent clean energy by 2050

The government plans to move away from fossil fuels

Whether you want to call it climate change or global warming, and whether you want to believe it’s happening or not, there’s no arguing it’s a hot topic.

In recent years the UAE has taken action on climate change, including signing the Paris Accord in 2016 and pledging to achieve carbon neutrality alongside 195 countries from around the world.

Now, as the United Nations’ Climate Action Summit takes place in New York City, the UAE has promised to reduce the use of fossil fuels in the coming years.

The government has set a target of having 50 percent clean energy by 2050, in addition to the goal already set by the country to achieve 24 percent clean energy sources by 2021 by improving nuclear and solar energy in the UAE.

In addition, the UAE is set to introduce a National Climate Change Plan and National Climate Change Adaption Programme by 2020.

The commitment has been announced in the wake of Greta Thunberg’s emotional address in front of world leaders where the Swedish activist demanded action on climate change.

We think it’s great that UAE is taking action.