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Kajol interview

Time Out caught up for a chat with Kajol on her recent trip to Abu Dhabi

Kajol is a much more reserved person that her co-star (Shahrukh Khan), so she initially appears rude.

Poor Kajol – it can’t be easy following the effervescence of Shahrukh Khan at every interview.

She puts on her happy face and delves into a few of the questions you people have been good enough to send in, and it isn’t long before she’s laughing and joking her way into our affections.

If you could turn back time, what period of life would you like to relive? Aparna Chadha

Nothing, actually. I quite like my life the way it is. I like the way it’s unfolded. I don’t have any regrets about what I’ve done so far, so I’m pretty OK with it.

You stayed away from previous movies partly because of your baby and partly because of the lack of conviction in your scripts. How do you maintain a balance between your gut feelings and keeping your relationship with Karan intact? Deepa Rajan

Well my relationship with Karan is a friendship of sorts, so I don’t think my friendship has anything to do with my ‘gut feeling’. My friends are my friends regardless of anything else. As far as my scripts are concerned, I’ve always been of the belief that you have to be 100 per cent convinced of the script regardless of whether anyone is your friend or not. I don’t believe in pity parties, and I don’t believe they make for good work, really.

What do you do to maintain your beauty and looks? Us fans think you have not aged at all! Anderson Cabral

Wow! I don’t know really. I think I’m at peace; I’m happy with what I’ve found. I’m happy with my work. They say, as long as you achieve a balance of everything… Y’know, I believe I’m beautiful, so maybe that’s why you think that! I’ve lost so much weight? I work very hard at it.

You did a south Indian movie (Tamil) called Minsara Kanavu and it was a huge hit there. Would you consider doing it again? Perhaps this time a Telugu movie? Meltem Delipalta

Oh, I don’t know, because it was so much like homework. I don’t know if I have it in me to work so hard again, I really don’t! I had a great time doing the film. A fantastic time. But I don’t know if I’d do another film in another language. It’s too much like homework. I used to sit up each night after work at 10pm with tapes and a person sitting opposite me for two hours every day. It was quite an experience.

What do you think are the pluses and minus points of Shahrukh Khan as an actor? Pavi Dwibhu

I think the good part about him is that he is so much of a gentleman. I think that’s one thing I really appreciate about him. In all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never known him to be not a gentleman to anybody on set, regardless of status, regardless of time or place or weather. There have been times when it’s been like 50 degrees hot with lights burning in your face and it’s very easy to snap at the person closest to you, who may or may not deserve it. I’ve done it, but I don’t think he has. It takes immense patience, and that’s one of the most amazing things about him. What don’t I like about him? I don’t know, really. The way that he’s so perfect. Perfectly behaved every time!

How is Nysa doing? Does she like school? What does she want to become in the future? Almira Masic

Thank you! She’s doing very well thank you. Does she like school? Well she likes school so far. I don’t know what’ll happen to her five years in the future, but as far as what she wants to do in the future, I think she’s too young to know right now. Whatever she wants to become, whatever gives her happiness is what we will support her in.

My Name is Khan is on general release in the UAE from Thursday, 11 February 2010