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One wish

The new sports complex at the Abu Dhabi Country Club will revolutionise the city’s after-school recreation. Carmel DeAmicis took the grand tour to find out more

If the Abu Dhabi Kids’ Activity Fairy descended upon your doorstep tomorrow with three wishes, what would you go for? Think up something really good. Now multiply your wish by 100 in awesomeness, add state of the art facilities to it, and consider your wildest fantasies for Abu Dhabi children’s programming granted.

The Abu Dhabi Country Club (ADCC) has finally opened their highly anticipated ‘Sports School’, in a giant, newly built complex tucked quietly away behind the fitness centre. The squeaky clean facility boasts no less than five studios for kids’ classes, a massive multi-purpose room that seats 600 spectators, a half-Olympic sized pool, a youngster pool for babes ’n’ toddlers, a medical room staffed with a licensed nurse, and (cherry on top) a coffee shop for parents killing time. Yep, kid paradise has arrived.

As I stood waiting at the reception desk, a couple of tiny tikes dolled up in ballet tutus tiptoed past me. They looked much younger than the ‘six and older only’ age range that’s favoured by most Abu Dhabi kids’ programmes, and I found out why. ‘We offer seven sports classes for ages four and up,’ grinned Tony Baroudi, the operations manager. ‘Taekwondo, gymnastics, ballet, basketball, football, handball and swimming. And that doesn’t even count our art classes, storytelling room and ‘Mummy and Me’ swim, which also allows little ones to take part.’ The next time your youngest toddler’s eyes fill up with tears because they can’t follow their older sibling onto the sports field, you’ll have no excuses.

When you stroll through the doors of the complex, you’ll be greeted by the fresh smell of newly minted sports gear and lemon-scented linoleum wash. It’s by far the nicest fitness facility in Abu Dhabi, and the tall ceilings, stone panelling, soft lighting and sweeping, top-to-bottom windows may fool you into thinking you’ve walked into a hotel. The Sports School is the brainchild of the head of the Sports Council in Abu Dhabi,
HH Sheik Hazaa Bin Zayed, who is a big patron of youth recreational fitness. With his support, and the work of the ADCC’s general manager, Mohsen Mahfouz, the centre was built in record time.

Tony took me on the full tour, during which time I think my face remained in a perpetual state of shock. Although a big, fancy kid’s sports complex might not be a revolutionary new idea elsewhere, in Abu Dhabi it will fundamentally change children’s after-school programming. With such a wide variety of kids’ activities for all age levels located in one spacious, welcoming place, the Sports School is bound to become a bustling community hub for parents.

First stop on the tour was the kids’ fitness gym (age 10-17). Already equipped with miniature size treadmills and ellipticals, Tony promised me that the pint-sized weight lifting machines were on their way from the States. I’m suspicious about the idea of a kids’ gym – what parent wants to see their 10-year-old rock a six pack? But Tony assures me that the technology is adjusted for the younger age group, and age 10-13 kids can’t hit the weights without the Sports School’s personal trainer.

I’m still considering the bizarreness of a ‘Children’s Personal Trainer’ when Tony leads me into the massive multi-purpose room. Shouts echo around the bright rubber floors from a group of preteens in the midst of a rousing basketball game. The MPR is followed by the pristine indoor pool area, and the martial arts and dance studios, which are complete with bright wooden floors, professional lighting and sound equipment, and miniature stages for instruction. We walk and talk, and Tony gives me the dish on the full range of classes. Aside from the classic sports mentioned earlier, kids can also take badminton, table tennis, volleyball, netball, judo, water polo, kickboxing, hip hop, aqua aerobics, and even art.

The Sports School has every imaginable activity covered, but Tony’s got his hopes set on more down the line. A rock climbing wall is already on the way, and a BMX/skate park in the complex’s future is a definite possibility. What else can we expect? ‘Fencing, kindu and tai-chi,’
he says laughing.

Each class will get off the ground once six or more students enrol in it, and many of the sports activities have already started. You don’t have to be a member of the Abu Dhabi Country Club to take classes, although ADCC members do enjoy a perky discount.

So there you have it. The Abu Dhabi children’s activity fairy has heard your pleas and answered them with sports utopia. The only question left is, ‘What shall I do with my other two wishes?’
Most classes at the Sports School cost Dhs400 for eight sessions (non-members), or Dhs300 for ADCC members. Call 02 657 7765 or visit for more details.