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Game review: Luigi’s Mansion 3

Who needs Mario’s when his being his green brother is so much fun

Green is the new red, gamers. Even though it’s usually the colour of cowardice, and this game is all about standing up bravely to a mansion full of ghosts.

But why should Super Mario Brother Luigi stay in his sibling’s shadow all of the time, when he’s been a bonafide ghostbuster twice now. In this game he’s back with his trusty Poltergust (this time the aptly named model G-00, but more of that later) to suck up ghosts and slam them into oblivion.

It doesn’t stop him from shrieking at hearing every creak in the hotel he’s staying in, and it doesn’t stop us from having a smile on our faces every time he does so throughout the roughly 18-hour playtime.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 brings back everything we loved about 2013’s Dark Moon and sharpens its edges to bring one of the most charmingly silly games to the Nintendo Switch.

How so? Think ghosts only coming out if Luigi does a show on stage, or when he’s being chased around by a piano that has a mind of its own. It’s funny not because of any witty writing, but because of the slapstick-style way he reacts to each spook he encounters.

The simple routine of flashing ghosts with a flair of light, sucking them up and gloriously slamming them on the floor never gets old, and this time it’s all broken up with sometimes head-scratching puzzles.

Not to worry though, as there’s now Gooigi to help you out. Yes, he’s a ghostly version of Luigi made out of green goo, and he makes two-player co-op easier than ever.

In each room you have to collect gold coins, and developers Next Level Games have not held back with the amount on offer. The only thing is, there’s really not much to spend them on. Sure, you can get a Gold Bone to restore your life or purchase a gem finder, but that’s about it.

In the end, it doesn’t really matter, as sucking up coins with the Poltergust is satisfying enough.

So, who you gonna call?
Available now on Nintendo Switch.

Ghostbusters meets slapstick comedy. Or should we say vacuum-stick?

For the silly laughs along the way

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