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Man United Soccer Schools

Manchester United kicks off a football school in Abu Dhabi

Rooney may be deserting them, but Manchester United aren’t short of up and coming options. Famed for their youth development programmes, the Premier League’s most successful club is set to launch a soccer school this week in the Abu Dhabi capital, meaning that your sprog can pick up the same skill sets as Ryan Giggs and Co.

Time Out met up with Man Utd Soccer Schools’ head coach, Andy Dixon, ahead of a recent visit to Al Raha International School in Khalifa City. An affable fellow who seems to have every football stat ever burned into his soccer-loving brain, we chatted about all things Manchester United; all things other than Wayne Rooney, that is…

Firstly, why did you choose Abu Dhabi?
Here in Abu Dhabi, we’re working with our partners Reem Investments. They’ve got a fantastic facility and Manchester United Soccer Schools came out to have a look, and we thought it was fantastic in terms of what we wanted to do with our programmes. Since then the partnership has developed and resulted in us coming over and being based here for at least two years.

What does Manchester United get out of the partnership? Is this a way for you to source new talent?
Not really. The soccer schools are the grass roots arm of youth development at Manchester United. It’s just about providing a fun and positive learning experience for the kids. We’re not here to scout anybody – it’s just to provide the children of the UAE with a first-class football programme.

Obviously Abu Dhabi is quite a blue city, what with HRH Sheikh Mansoor’s well-known investments. Is that something you’re aware of?
It is, yeah. [Laughs] I’d prefer not to mention anything with regards to that at the moment, if you don’t mind!

What does the programme actually involve?
Initially, the first programme will be for the six weeks leading up to Christmas. Then the plan is, throughout the year, to have three 10-week programmes in line with the school terms: September through to Christmas, Christmas through to Easter time, then Easter to the summer. The great plus for us here in Abu Dhabi is the Dome facility [situated on Airport Road]. Once the weather gets too hot we can move our programmes indoors.

And what will the kids learn?

Within the programme, the children will learn all the skills and techniques that the Manchester United first team display on a regular basis. We’re lucky enough to use the Manchester United first team players as icons; idols that they can aspire to. Things that they see them do every week on the TV, we try to instil into the children on our courses.

Is there any chance that any of those players will come out here at any point?

Possibly, there may be in the future. We haven’t got anything confirmed, but potentially down the line…I wouldn’t like to commit to that.

It’s not going to be Rooney, is it? That’s not looking likely!
[Laughs] No comment!

Get involved

The MUSS programme begins on October 30 at the Dome@Rawdhat complex, Airport Road. Open to all children between the ages of seven and 16, the initial course runs for six weeks (75 minutes per lesson; Dhs990), with 10-week courses to follow (Dhs1,650). For more information, visit

Boy done good

Three players that saw success on Man Utd’s youth development scheme.

David Beckham
‘Golden Balls’ joined United on his 14th birthday, and went on to make 265 appearances, scoring a total of 62 goals

Ryan Giggs
The former Ryan Wilson also signed with United on his 14th birthday, changing his name two years later. To date, he has managed 595 appearances, with no sign of stopping anytime soon

Gary Neville
United’s club captain joined ‘Fergie’s Fledglings’ in 1991, straight from school. At the time of press, he had played 398 games for the Reds, though he’s slowing down