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No video calls for iPhone 4 in UAE

Abu Dhabi gadget nerds denied FaceTime

Having been forced to put up with the shameless gloating of our international friends since June, UAE iPhone 4 coveters were dealt another blow when the device finally became available this week. It seems that one of the biggest selling points of Apple’s hotly anticipated gadget – namely the ‘FaceTime’ video calling feature – has mysteriously been omitted from handsets sold by both Du and Etisalat.

The official word is that the decision to disable the feature was taken by Apple itself, in an attempt to avoid riling UAE authorities and kicking up a similar stink to last month’s BlackBerry debacle, which has still yet to be resolved. As ever, techie-brained customers will be able to work out a way around their disappointment, but the rest of us, it seems, shall have to make do with VoiceTime.