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Isobel Campbell

Sweet-voiced former Belle & Sebastian member talks to Time Out

Sweet-voiced former Belle & Sebastian member and indie folkstress Isobel Campbell now works with Queens of the Stone Age’s Mark Lanegan. Their third album Hawk is out now.

When she was five, this Glaswegian gal fancied herself as a medic.

I really loved my little nurse outfit. My brother even used to wear it! I loved my doctor’s bag too – with the little red cross. I’d get all my dolls out and pretend I had a hospital.

It didn’t become a career, but she still bears a scar from saving the helpless.
I have an unsightly scar on my knee from rescuing a bunny rabbit when I was nine. It escaped into my next-door neighbour’s back garden. I climbed over the fence, but as I was leaving with the bunny rabbit in my arms, I slipped on a concrete slab and ripped my knee open. It was horrible, but I didn’t drop the bunny.

She’s one enthusiastically strong lady.
I’m good at moving furniture around. I moved two wardrobes this weekend. I can also pick men up – not like in a bar! – but boyfriends who have been 6’2’’… I can lift them up. It really freaks them out. When I get really excited, I pick people up. I’ve got this one friend, Marie Frank in Denmark, and she hates it. She’s always like, ‘Please don’t pick me up!’ People don’t like to sit next to me in the cinema, because when I get excited I start punching them.

Her last holiday was a disaster.
It was back in May, and I was ill for four weeks. I had chronic food poisoning. I was the sickest I’d ever been. I was in Tuscon, Arizona, but I think I picked something up on the plane. Then I had sinusitis and then I had pneumonia. I was on antibiotics twice. I was supposed to go on a roadtrip with my friend and we kept having to cancel.

Her favourite website is Project Free TV (
I’ve been watching season three of True Blood. It’s much better than season two, which I thought was really trashy. I quite like Jason Stackhouse, because he’s just a dumb hillbilly!

She’d like to manipulate the space-time continuum, if she could.
I’d like to travel to the court of Marie Antoinette prior to the downfall of the French monarchy, or experience the decadence of the Roman Empire. Or the Wild West. I think I’d look good in a saloon, dressed up like Mae West.

She’s discovered that Facebook has its pitfalls.
One time I accidentally befriended lots of people I didn’t know, and that was creepy. There was this stranger that I had as a ‘friend’ and every time I came online, he would try to chat. Even if you’re not in the public eye, people will ask to be your friend. I’m as nosy as the next man; I can be on Facebook and three hours will pass. Disgraceful!