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Wii night in Abu Dhabi

Forget darts and pool – there’s a new pub sport for the digital generation. We went to Wii Night at The Tavern

Back in your grandad’s day, pub time was an uncomplicated escape from the pressures of the world. You bought your pint, you sat down and you drank it. You might occasionally stop to pat the pub dog or berate the local team with your co-wallowers, but that was about it.

But as we all hurtle reluctantly through the 21st Century, pubs and bars are forever inventing new and ingenious ways of distracting us from the hollow, one-dimensional nature of the pub experience. Wii Night, a new evening of entertainment at The Tavern, is the latest attempt to add some variety to our leisure time, by plonking us in the shoes of energetic, bright-eyed adolescents.

Heading through the dimly lit bar, amid the smoke and groups of almost exclusively male clientele, we spot a large, colourful screen on the rear wall. In front of it, two business types – jackets doffed, ties loosened – are flinging their limbs about as if fending off a swarm of wasps with a penchant for high-street tailoring. There’s a triumphant whoop and a spot of fist-pumping as their round of virtual tennis is concluded, at which point they head to the bar and we’re handed the controller.

Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are available, between them offering 15 different mini-games to have a crack at. We started off with a bit of bowling, and found we had plenty of room to flap about without the risk of toppling nearby beverages or accidentally assaulting the waitresses.

A couple of games in, and the evening took on the feel of a Christmas morning, minus the threat of being shown up by a hyperactive nephew. That said, some spotty-faced competition wouldn’t have gone amiss – there were barely any willing challengers to be found within The Tavern’s murky chambers. The pub was full enough – a respectable feat in itself for a Saturday night – but most punters seemed far more interested in the four or five screens showing the day’s Premier League fixtures than joining in with the aimless, flailing appendages and occasional yelping coming from the corner of the room. The sound was turned right down too, which detracted from the experience a little and made us feel slightly like a pair of excitable children, being quietly placated with shiny toys so that we didn’t disturb the adults.

Perhaps with competitions, tournaments or drinks promotions for those willing to briefly suspend their dignity, the console in the corner – perched on a bar stool beneath a spotlight like some sort of digital deity – might have felt a little less like an afterthought. Don’t get us wrong, Wii Night is still an enjoyable alternative to the standard slurp-and-chat bar-room agenda, but we’ll be waiting for interest to build a little before we head back for a rematch.

Free. Saturdays from 8pm. The Tavern, Sheraton Abu Dhabi (02 677 3333)

Going mental

Not got the energy? Here are three pub quizzes worth a punt

Sunday nights
Questions are a mix of everything from science and literature to sport and film, and there’s a ‘guess the intro’ music round thrown in for good measure. A word of warning though, staff don’t suffer cheaters gladly, so leave your iPhone in your pocket to avoid leaving with a red face. Starts at 8pm.

Monday nights
The brainteasers kick off at 8pm, courtesy of resident quizmaster Mike Greaves. It’s free to enter and, as well as spoils for the winners, there’s a prize for last place. Proof at long last that your mother was wrong when she said you’d never get anywhere by sitting in a corner scratching yourself like an ape.

Tuesday nightS
Ally Pally Corner
As one of the oldest spots in town, quiz night here has become the stuff of local legend. Regular teams return every week, so be prepared for some stiff competition and a borderline hostile atmosphere. Starts at 9pm, but get there sooner to secure your table.