Posted inThe Knowledge

Judge Jules presides

Legendary turntable king hits Abu Dhabi on September 16

Okay, so Judge Jules may not wield any actual, tangible legal authority. But what the London-based DJ does have is the power to sentence your feet, hips and other flappy extremities to a maximum of six hours of energetic, rhythmic movement, to the background of the freshest dance hits. Next month, specifically. Right here in Abu Dhabi.

He’ll be hosting the sexily titled Lipstick party, due to take place in the gardens of Le Royal Meridien hotel on Thursday, September 16. Also in attendance will be the Judge’s lesser known DJ chums DJ Thristan, DJ Sabrina Terence and DJ Jay J, who’ll be spinning the vinyl until 4am.

Quivering with anticipation? Look out for our interview with the man himself in the first of our new-look, weekly magazines, out September 9.

As ever, tickets are available from