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Style spotting in Abu Dhabi

Time Out goes style-spotting on the streets of Abu Dhabi

Vital stats

Name: Hanza Buhuch
Age: 23
Occupation: Model
Home country: Tunisia

Hi, how are you…do you work at Abu Dhabi Mall?
Well, sort of. I’m a model, so I’m working here today shooting some looks for Pierre Cardin.

Sounds like a cool job…
Yeah, it’s not so bad; there’s quite a lot of waiting around, but I guess the pros outweigh any cons.

You must get quite a few freebies!
Now and again, yeah (laughs), but it’s not as glamorous as people think.

So, how long have been modelling?
Off and on for four years – I do other things too. I’d love to own my own bar or restaurant some day.

Would you open something here in Abu Dhabi?
Possibly, but most likely in Tunisia, where I’m from. I like it here but there are already so many nice restaurants – it would be hard to compete.

What is your favourite type of food – what would you serve in your restaurant?
I like spicy food as it’s what I’ve been brought up on. The hotter the better! Stuffed vegetables, meatballs and lamb stew with chilli…that sort of thing.

Sounds good, but not the ‘lettuce leaves and water’ diet of a typical model.
I’m lucky: I’ve got a fast metabolism! And I work out a lot at the gym, but that’s more for general fitness.

So are you hitting the gym later today?
I think I’ll give it a miss today – I had an early start this morning so I’m pretty tired.

That’s dedication for you! Well, thanks for the chat and good luck with the rest of the shoot.
Cool, thanks. It was nice to meet you.