Posted inEducation

Nine ways to practice mindfulness with kids at home

UAE school teacher Ashley Green shares her ideas

On the website,, there is a student section where there are guided meditations in English and Arabic that they can click on and follow.

Download two lovely apps called
The Smiling app and The Calm app, both are free.

First learn about it yourselves as parents. Be properly educated about it yourselves so that kids have the correct information…

… And practise it yourself because if you experience it then that’s the perfect way to introduce it to your kids.

Give mindful eating a go at dinner. Focus on your food: the taste, the sight, the feel and the sound.

Practise mindful moments while brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. It’s a lovely start to the morning.

Get little ones to lie flat on their backs and put a teddy on their tummies. They can focus on and have awareness of their breathing as they watch the teddy rise up and down.

With older kids, have a conversation about how they feel after a guided meditation session. Ask them what the noticed and get them to describe how they feel.

Take your shoes off, walk around slowly with purpose and feel the grass under your feet. Or tell them to do some movement with their fingers and ask them to tell you what it feels like. It really helps their concentration.