Posted inWellbeing

5 to try: Youtube workouts

The best free online workouts to help you lose pounds and save Dirhams

We all have excuses for not getting enough exercise: we have no time, no money, get bored with running or are too embarrassed to work out in a gym. Online workouts eliminate these issues, although to find the most effective videos you have to wade through the bad (weird teenage boys performing workout video parodies that don’t make sense) and the ugly (workout injuries caught on tape) to get to the good (genuine fitness experts talking you through a routine).

So, to help you out we’ve scoured the net, all the while dodging many a dodgy video, to find you the best free online workouts., plus where to try their equivalents.

15-minute abs

Best for: Time-starved people who want to strengthen their posture and core
Run by fitness company Spark People, this workout starts with a variety of crunches, Pilates-style leg lifts, planks and stretches. It’s a lot harder than it looks (your stomach will burn after mere minutes), but instructor Nicole is fantastic at giving alternative tips for those struggling, and she explains every move very well.

Search terms: Fifteen-minute abs workout

Try it in Abu Dhabi: Fifteen minutes of stomach-crunching agony not enough? Get down to the Abu Dhabi Country Club’s Abs Class for an intensive hour-long work out. Dhs40, Monday 6.30pm-7.30pm and Wednesday 7.30pm-8.30pm

The 300 workout

Best for: A true challenge
Lee Hayward can deadlift 530lbs, so is a good man to listen to if you want to bulk up. He’ll talk you through the 300 Workout: the routine that actor Gerard Butler and the lads in 300 used to transform themselves into ripped Spartans. You’ll need a gym and it involves 300 reps of six different exercises. You’ll do 50 reps of each exercise, which include pull-ups, deadlifts, push-ups, box jumps, floor wipers (the hardest: a dynamic leg raise that involves holding a barbell) and clean-and-press weightlifting. The key isn’t to increase weights, but to complete the workout in a shorter time. Warning: Lee is full of good advice, but this is an advanced workout. Too hard? Modify the routine and drop the total reps to 100 to begin with.

Search terms: The 300 Workout Program; Lee Hayward

Try it in Abu Dhabi: While there’s no class that focuses specifically on the 300 Workout, an explosive boot camp is a good place to start. Try Original Fitness Co, which offers monthly packages for Dhs900.

The world’s fastest workout

Best for: Quick weight loss
Run by ‘body transformation’ expert Stephen Cabral, this four-minute Tabata workout involves repeating one exercise as fast as you can with correct technique for 20 seconds, then resting for 10 seconds. It’s effective because it raises your metabolism for around 24 hours (the harder you push, the longer your metabolism will be charging). It consists of two sets of squat thrusts, mountain climbers, high knees standing jog and jumping jacks – and it kills.

Search terms: The world’s fastest workout

Try it in Abu Dhabi: Beach Rotana offers a similar repetitive circuit workout with its new boot camp sessions. Call 02 697 9302 to register.

Yoga for beginners

Best for: Those who want mental as well as physical wellbeing
This 30-minute video (it’s in three parts on YouTube) is a fantastic and very attainable introduction to yoga. Dutch instructor Esther Ekhart is the best yoga instructor we’ve found online. Her channel, yogatic, also has yoga to help combat headaches, flat feet, pregnancy, anxiety and more. There’s no soft hippie music accompanying her videos, though, so you might want to play a CD at the same time (or hire someone to play a wind flute in your living room) should you feel more comfortable working out to a background of soothing tunes.

Search terms: Beginners’ yoga; Esther

Try it in Abu Dhabi: The Yoga Juice holds classes across town, which are suitable for a range of abilities. Check the website to find out where your preferred style of yoga class is being held.