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UAE dodges nukes

UAE calls for nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East

The UAE has renewed calls to the international community to establish a zone free of nuclear weapons in the Middle East by exerting pressure on Israel to accede to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPTand to place all of its nuclear facilities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The appeal came during a statement made yesterday by Ambassador Ahmad Al Jarman, UAE’s permanent representative to the United Nations and Chairman of the Arab Group, before the third session of the preparatory committee for the 2010 review conference of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Al Jarman said the Arab Group has submitted two working papers to the present preparatory committee.

One of the suggestions pertains to the implementation of the resolution in the Middle East and includes proposals for developing practical recommendations to be considered in the lead-up to the next review conference.

The other paper is on the future of the NPT, particularly in terms of its effectiveness and future challenges.

Al Jarman said the Arab Group wanted all states, without exception, to demonstrate flexibility and seriousness in seizing the opportunity provided by the current session of the preparatory committee to take practical steps that demonstrated their commitment to the NPT.

He also urged the international community to support resolutions adopted by the review conferences and to build consensus on the recommendations to be submitted to the 2010 review conference. This was needed to revive confidence in the non-proliferation system and for realising aspirations of all peoples to live in peace, security and prosperity, he said.