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Childhood obesity in Abu Dhabi

Time Out chews the fat with a child fitness guru in Abu Dhabi

With so many homes lacking gardens and so few green spaces in Abu Dhabi, combined with the siren song of video games to lure children into a state of sloth, it’s no wonder so many minors are tipping heavy on the scales. Recent reports indicate the UAE is nearing the top of the list of shame for obesity in the world. With the problem only getting worse, the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr has employed Scott Lancaster, a trainer with 20 years’ experience in youth fitness programmes, including work for the National Football League, to kick start some training sessions at the hotel’s new fitness centre. His Kids RU Ready programme will aim to make exercise fun activity for children, hopefully setting them up for a healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives. We ask Scott what it’s all about.

Why did you decide to set up the Kids RU Ready programme?

Basically, I have found that there is a severe lack of activities at hotels and resorts that appeal to kids. The majority of hotel’s fitness facilities are specifically designed for adults, with limited access for kids. Fairmont Bab Al Bahr will be the first Fairmont property in the region that has made a commitment to providing all members of a family access to a healthy fitness and sports experience.

What does the scheme entail?
When a family signs up for the programme, each participating guest receives a membership card and dog tag necklace that provides exclusive entry to a customised RU Ready web page. On this page each participating guest will find a series of virtual activities or ‘tricks’ presented on video, that will be practised in a 90-minute class or half-day camp conducted at the hotel. Each trick has a metric that is recorded during class and uploaded on to each personal web page, where scores are recorded. Each participant has the opportunity to follow their progress and find their ranking among other participants around the world.

What sort of things do you do to keep the kids motivated?
The programme is designed to engage and keep a kid’s attention through fun, athletic individual and group games. The concept focuses on developing each participant’s agility, balance, coordination, speed, strength, and stamina through a variety of physical tricks and skill-oriented challenges, similar to how a snowboarder or skateboarder participates and trains in their particular sport.

How big is the youth obesity problem in Abu Dhabi?
I come from the USA, and childhood obesity has grown massively in recent years, with between 16 and 33 per cent of children and adolescents suffering from the disease. But I know it’s becoming a huge problem in the UAE too and is reaching epidemic proportions. This is primarily caused by the unhealthy lifestyle that’s led by both parents and children. While the UAE’s health authorities are addressing this issue and are rolling out educational programmes in schools, families also need to take accountability themselves to develop healthy habits that lead to an active lifestyle.

How can parents encourage their kids to stay healthy?
One of the best ways to initiate a healthy and active lifestyle with your kids is to regularly participate in exercise with them – whether it’s going for a bike ride, playing tennis or football, swimming, or going hiking. That time is not only good for all of you to exercise, but it’s great quality time. You’ll be surprised how much easier it is to engage in conversations with your kids when you’re doing something active and fun together.

Do you have any success stories?
I’ve had numerous parents tell me that after their child had participated in the programme, they began to experience improvement in their athletic skills and they seemed to have had a renewed interest in not only their sport of choice back at home, but also an interest in trying a variety of different activities.

Scott’s fitness programme starts in the new year for guests of the Fairmont Bab Al Bahr as well as other residents of Abu Dhabi. Prices to be confirmed. Call 02 654 3322 for information.