Posted inArt

Abu Dhabi Art exhibitions

RSTW, Globe and more Abu Dhabi art exhibitions to visit

A diverse collection of work from 21 artists, hailing from 19 different countries and covering everything from canvases to installations. Those with pieces on display include highly talented Emirati collage specialist Fatema Al Mazrouie, British photographer George Lewis and Wafa Khazendar, whose work (pictured), which utilises the colours of the UAE flag, is sure to draw a crowd.
Free. Until February 28. Salwa Zeidan Gallery

Opening the Doors: Collecting Middle Eastern Art
This collection of 90 works from the Middle East’s most respected artists marks the largest convergence of regional talent in recent memory. At the show’s core, Opening the Doors aims to communicate just how relevant Middle Eastern creativity has become on the global art scene, providing an introduction to the work of creative pioneers such as Baghdad-born Ismail Al-Sheikhly, Jawad Salim and Walid Raad.
Free. Until January 8. Gallery One, Emirates Palace

Having already hosted the likes of Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock, this blockbuster of a show sees Abu Dhabi add Ed Ruscha, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra, Cy Twombly, Christopher Wool and Andy Warhol to its rapidly growing collection of A-list exhibitors. It’s all thanks to legendary New York-based art impresario Larry Gagosian, who has brought his previously unseen private collection of artwork to the city. With just a month left before LG packs up his wares and ships them back to the states, get a visit in your diary if you’ve not already been along.
Free. Until January 24. Manarat Al Saadiyat