Posted inBumps and Babies

Top tips from a first time father in the UAE

Paul Clifford shares his highs and lows of parenting

Becoming a dad for the first times brings with it a lot of firsts. There are the obvious ones, of course. The first nappy change is the one most people ask about, but there’s also the first (terrifying) drive from the hospital, the first (terrifying) night at home, and the first (terrifying) time you look after the baby alone. In fact, most of the things that happen are terrifying.

This is another first – the debut of my column about dad life in the UAE. Thankfully it’s nowhere near as scary as all the other stuff that’s happened over the past five months.

I think all dads will agree that the mums out there have it much harder than we ever will, but dadding has its own set of pressures, worries and fears – and loads of amazing, exciting stuff, too. It really is life-changing in the best possible way.

Our baby was born in October 2019, so I’ve had a bit of time to adjust, learn new skills and enjoy my new life with my incredible wife and beautiful daughter, and hopefully over the months ahead I can share some of my experiences to help others along the way. Or at least give you a few laughs when talking about times I’ve got things spectacularly wrong.

If anyone has any questions or worries, then please drop me an email and we can use this column as a way to talk about issues that matter to all of us.

I’ll be back next month but until then, look after your loved ones and remember, everything has to happen for a first time, it gets easier after that.