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New smart gate in Abu Dhabi will capture speeding drivers

Expired vehicles will also be recorded

A new smart gate has been installed on the Abu Dhabi-Al Ain Road to capture speeding drivers.

The gate goes live today (Sunday March 8) and will monitor people speeding, expired vehicles and unauthorised heavy vehicles and more.

Other traffic violations it will look out for include tailgating, stopping in the hard shoulder and blocking traffic.

It will also give drivers information, such as the speed limit and weather updates in times of extreme conditions.

If you’re found to have an expired vehicle you’ll get a Dhs500 fine, four traffic points and your vehicle will be impounded for a week.

Abu Dhabi Police is also urging drivers to listen out for alerts on the radio and keep an eye on social media for updates (though not while driving, of course).

The force hopes it will reduce accidents and increase road safety.