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A new film studio is being built – in space

Tom Cruise, say hello to your new home

Prepping his first Avatar movie, James Cameron would bang on about how he needed to wait for the technology to catch up with his vision. Well, Jim, we think it has.

According to Variety, the people behind Tom Cruise’s new space film, Space Entertainment Enterprise (S.E.E.), are planning to launch a film studio in space by December 2024. And as you can see from this official artist’s impression, it’ll be very 2001: A Space Odyssey indeed.

The SEE-1, as it’s known, will also have a sports and entertainment arena aboard, enabling the facility to host sports and music events as well as film and TV productions.

The facilities aboard provide scope for the “development, production, recording, broadcasting and live-streaming of content”, according to S.E.E. – all in a low orbit, micro-gravity environment.

“SEE-1 is an incredible opportunity for humanity to move into a different realm and start an exciting new chapter in space,” say Dmitry and Elena Lesnevsky in a treatment for a new Roland Emmerich disaster movie statement. “It will provide a unique and accessible home for boundless entertainment possibilities in a venue packed with innovative infrastructure which will unleash a new world of creativity.”

The space studio is being built by Axiom Space. The privately funded space infrastructure developer was commissioned by NASA to build a commercial component for the International Space Station in 2020.

“From Jules Verne to Star Trek, science-fiction entertainment has inspired millions of people around the world to dream about what the future might bring,” says S.E.E. CEO Richard Johnston. “Creating a next generation entertainment venue in space inspire opens countless doors to create incredible new content and make these dreams a reality.”