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UAE National Disinfection Programme extended until Sunday April 5

Public transport will be halted overnight and public and traffic movement restricted

Public transport will continue to be halted and movement of traffic and the public restricted from 8pm until 6am until Sunday April 5 as the UAE National Disinfection Programme has been extended.

The programme, which has been set up in light of in light of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, started on Thursday (March 26) and was initially due to run until 6am on Sunday March 29.

It will now run until Sunday April 5 – meaning the public must stay at home between 8pm and 6am every night while the disinfection process takes part.

From 8pm until 6am public transport will be halted. Everyone is urged to stay at home during the time, unless it’s “absolutely necessary” to go out to get essential supplies or if you work in vital sectors, and then ID will be checked.

If you need to be out of the house during 8pm and 6am any time until Sunday April 5 at 6am, visit to apply for a permit.

During the day public transport runs as normal, though everyone is still advised to stay at home unless absolutely necessary.