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Extreme sports in Abu Dhabi

Kitesurfing, sandboarding, quad biking and more hardcore fun

Our city is full of activities for the hardcore adrenaline junkies among us. Sara Taher ventures out to the edge to see what the fuss is all about.

Nothing can be more powerful than riding the elements in their natural fury. The ocean is one of our planet’s strongest forces but there are a few hardy souls who dare to call it their natural playground. Surfing involves riding a board along a wave and professionals can often catch a powerful one that allows them to surf inside it, as it curls around them. We spoke to Said Metwali about one particularly terrifying experience he had.

Where you can do it: Head to the open water on the public beach at Saadiyat Island, or Wadi Adventure, Al Ain (03 781 8422).

This is internationally recognised as one of the most dangerous sports out there. Participants around the world compete by diving to unimaginable depths and resurfacing in one breath. The danger is that people could suffer from either deep water or shallow water blackout and risk drowning. So what drives these people to pursue such a deadly past time? We spoke to Wassim Zein, who loves the water so much he even spends his time on land making boats and water gear. To learn more about his company, visit

Where you can do it: FreedivingUAE. They teach all levels. Visit or email

The name might sound innocent enough but trust us, what these blokes do is seriously impressive. Using momentum, practitioners catapult themselves around the city using rails, stairs, walls, ledges and any type of surface they can cling to. The only equipment you need is your body, a decent sense of balance and your imagination. These brave souls take on all the city’s surfaces using an improvisational set of jumps and movements to manoeuvre around town.

Where you can do it: Join the rambunctious Abu Dhabi Parkour group every Friday at 4pm (050 721 8169).

A cousin of the more extreme snowboarding, sandboarding has many similarities with the main exception being, of course, it’s done on sand instead of snow. It can be done either with bindings strapping you into the board or without if you’re feeling particularly adventurous. Given our proximity to many fantastic desert regions we’re spoilt for choice when it comes to potential destinations.

Where you can do it: Check out (050 196 0662).

Essentially, parasailing consists of being hooked up to a specially designed canopy wing. It looks a bit like a parachute which is where the ‘para’ in the name comes from. Once safely strapped into your harness you’ll be towed by a boat which causes the lucky person (or people) to be dragged up into the air.

Where you can do it: The guys at Western Marine Sports Club are your best bet. Based in the Al Gharbia in the Western Region. Go to their website at (050 760 4060).

Popular for as long as the TOAD staff can remember, BMX is still going strong and anybody who’s ever seen the X Games will be able to tell you that it’s just as spectacular these days as it ever has been. Thankfully those with an interest in the sport are well served in Abu Dhabi thanks to Rage in Al Wahda Mall who stock most of what you’ll need if you fancy giving it a go.

Where you can do it: Al Hosn Skate Park is where you’ll most likely find the Abu Dhabi Skaters who are the city’s only organised BMX and skateboarding group.

Desert quad biking
Another one to add to your bucket list if you like an adrenaline rush. These four-wheeled bikes are ideal for tearing around the desert for a bit of high-octane fun. Be warned though you should only go off-roading on a quad under very strict supervision from an expert. Although they look easy to handle, it’s also easy to get carried away.

Where you can do it: To find out more go to (050 196 0662).

Originally called ‘skurfing’ wakeboarding see’s the rider being towed behind a boat at a typical speed of around 17-25km/h but this will depend on a number of factors. It takes years to get to the stage of being able to ride into the waves and perform some seriously high jumps and tricks in the air but, if nothing else, you’ll have a ton of fun trying and given that we’re surrounded by water there’s really no reasonable excuse for not getting out there and giving it a serious go.

Where you can do it: The people at know just about all there is to know and they organise lessons and trips for beginners through to those who’ve been at it a while. Or give Marc Hofrichter a call on 050 813 3134.

Can you describe the rush you get from freediving?
There are many factors that attract me to this sport. First and foremost is my undeniable and instinctive love for Mother Sea! Being engulfed by water just feels so natural and the experience makes me feel whole. Once I start the descent into the deep blue, I become completely aware of everything in my body; my heart beat slows and I forget all my troubles.
– Wassim Zein

What was the scariest moment you’ve encountered?
Back in 2004 I went to Surfers Paradise, Australia. The beach was closed but I thought I’d try the waves. A huge one hit me and pulled me under. When I finally resurfaced my board was actually snapped right in half.
– Said Metwali

Tell us what your scariest moment was doing this extreme sport?
Once, while kitesurfing in Oman, my lines got cut so I drifted out to sea. It took my friends three hours to get a boat and rescue me. I was stranded in the water. Another time I fell in Jebel Ali and the wind dragged me over some rocks. I left a nice stream of blood behind me!
– Sam Solh