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5 motivational podcasts to listen to at home

Get motivated at home in the UAE with these brilliant podcasts

We love nothing more than getting fired up and listening to motivational podcasts, and what better reason to do so than now you have a little more time on your hands.

We’ve rounded up 5 motivational podcasts for you to listen to while at home. whether you need prompting to start a home workout, set up a business or even write a book.

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Want to make a change in your life? Robbins visited the UAE last year, performing in Dubai, and has helped millions of people make meaningful change in their life whether personal or business his proven strategies will help you level up.

The Tim Ferris Show

Author of the Four Hour Work Week and ranked as the number one business podcast, Tim Ferris talks all things business while interviewing world experts in their field.

How I built this with Guy Raz

Guy Raz dives in to stories behind some of the world’s best known brands. How I Built This discusses business journeys with innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists.

The Mel Robbins Show

Author of the 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins helps everyday people transform their life by empowering them with the tools necessary to conquer their daily challenges.

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

By Oprah Winfrey herself, this one will light you up. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts.

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