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A super ‘pink moon’ will be visible in the UAE tomorrow morning

You’ll want to wake up early on Wednesday April 8 for this

The morning sky in the UAE is set to be all a-glow tomorrow morning (Wednesday April 8) with the biggest, brightest moon of the year.

A super full moon, known as a pink moon, is coming to brighten up our morning – and you’ll want to get up early as it’s set to be most visible at 6.30am.

It’s called a pink moon because of the pink blossom and flowers that bloom in the month of April, the pink super moon doesn’t actually have a blush hue, but its arrival in our skies might make your morning mood a little rosier.

But what makes this moon super special? The full moon is taking place when the moon is closest to the earth, which basically means that the moon will look really bright and big in the sky.

In the UAE, the pink super moon will be at its best in the very early morning of Wednesday April 8, at 6.30am to be precise – it’ll be worth getting up early for.

Get out in your garden, on your balcony or just admire it through your window at home.

This super moon is the second and last of 2020, so it’s worth getting a look at it and set you up for the day.

There’s nothing like a hot cup of coffee to wake you up in the morning and if you need a kick-start to get up bright and early for the super pink moon, here are the best places to order coffee from across the UAE.

And while you’re at it, it’ll be worth getting your morning exercise in. Here are nine home workouts to check out.
Wed Apr 8, 6.30am.