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UAE Team Emirates cyclists reveal their top tips for staying fit at home

Learn how to make the most of a bike trainer indoors

The coronavirus pandemic may mean that we can no longer exercise outdoors in the UAE for the time being, but that certainly doesn’t have to stop us from staying fit.

Not only are UAE gyms offering at-home work out classes to join virtually as we quarantine but to provide us with some much needed extra support,

UAE Team Emirates’ cycling squad has launched a new campaign offering their expert tips on working out at-home.

While cycling is predominantly synonymous with the outdoors and many of us miss the privilege of riding around outside, UAE Team Emirates’ new initiative #StayFitAtHome suggests an alternative approach: using a bike trainer.

According to the team, a bike trainer can be just as fun and useful for at-home work outs if used properly. So to ensure we all do, they have complied a list of crucial tips to follow.

First and foremost, they suggest having a mirror, a playlist and an energy drink at the ready before kicking off. “During winter we are used to training in our garage, at this time of the year you could place your trainer on the terrace or near the window. This will make sweat evaporate faster, just remember to avoid direct sunlight,” the team advises.

“From there you’ll only need a mirror and the right playlist to boost your motivation. Don’t forget to mix up an energy drink suitable for what you’re trying to achieve during your training, this will help you maximise your performance”

The team also point out that indoor sessions on a bike trainer are much more efficient than sessions outdoors which means that you will have to adjust the way you use it. For example, the training is more intense and therefore the volume needs to be lower.

“Stay between 20 and 90 minutes,” they suggest. “[Then] dedicate roughly ten minutes to earning up and another ten minutes to cool down, the rest of the time should be dedicated to sprint or varied exercises preferably staying at or above 70 percent on a heart rate monitor.”

For flat training, the team suggests reducing the volume of the bike trainer by ten or 20 percent and keeping the specific exercise you do the same. When it comes to climb training, do the same except this time you’ll need to reduce the volume by at least 20 to 30 percent. If the climb is more than 10 minutes long, you can split it into multiple parts and the recovery intervals should be less than three minutes long. “If your trainer doesn’t simulate climbs you can always create an incline by placing an object under the front tyre,” they suggest.

Finally, if you want to do a long-distance ride for more than 90 minutes, UAE Team Emirate’s say it is best to schedule a double session for the day. However, it is important to recover for a few hours and rehydrate in between those sessions.

Right, we’re off to give it a go!

For more things to do at home in Abu Dhabi click here. For Dubai click here. For Sharjah, click here.