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Radiohead streaming historic concerts every week

The UK band are releasing a classic show on YouTube every week

If you’re looking for things to do at home right now, there are plenty of live-stream concerts and gigs to tune into.

Joining the ranks are Radiohead. The band has started streaming some of their favourite concerts on YouTube every Friday morning at 1am GST.

The band, known for tunes such as Creep, Paranoid Android and The National Anthem released Live from a tent in Dublin first, from the year 2000, and it can be viewed here, or by clicking on the player below.

The concert came during the band’s tour of Kid A – the follow up album to the classic OK Computer. So for long-term fans of Radiohead, you’ll get to relive the band playing some of their biggest-ever tracks.

“Now that you have no choice whether or not you fancy a quiet night in, we hereby present the first of several LIVE SHOWS from the Radiohead Public Library,” the band said. “We will be releasing one a week until either the restrictions resulting from current situation are eased, or we run out of shows. Which will be first? No one knows.”

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