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Take Time Out’s social distancing survey

Tell us how you’re spending your time at home

At Time Out, we’re generally big on getting out. But right now, most of us are spending more time at home than ever before – that’s why, back in early March , we temporarily became Time In.

But enough about us – we want to know what’s going on with you.

What are you getting up to at home?

Have you found time to learn a new skill?

Have you found yourself cooking more?

Have you jumped wholeheartedly onto the banana bread-baking bandwagon?

In our quick, totally anonymous UAE-wide Social Distancing Survey, we’d love to hear from you – and by answering a few questions about the ups, downs and sideways times at home, you’ll be helping us help you stay entertained.

(Don’t worry, there aren’t any mind-boggling questions like, for instance, “what day is it?”)

You’ll also be helping us tell the story of what everyone in the UAE is up to right now. Because we’re certain there are at least five of you out there not currently making TikTok vids.

We’ll be sharing the results across all of our platforms to give you an insight into what everyone in the UAE is really up to right now, and how they’ve been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, go on, tell us how you really feel.