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Ten amazing Instagram pictures of Abu Dhabi right now

Abu Dhabi launches cleanliness certification for hotels and tourist attractions

The new programme is to ensure public health and safety

The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi has announced the launch of a certification programme for cleanliness.

All businesses and organisations in the tourism sector will be included in the programme that aims to standardise and uplift cleanliness and hygiene levels in the emirate in response to COVID-19.

As hotels, malls, restaurants and more prepare to reopen to the public, the new certification programme will help assure guests that cleanliness levels are achieved and there is no risk to health or wellbeing.

The new certification programme will be rolled out in phases, starting with hotels before moving on to cover other tourist attractions and businesses.

“Our priority is to ensure that our residents and visitors feel safe and comfortable in Abu Dhabi,” said Ali Hassan Al Shaiba, executive director of Tourism and Marketing at DCT Abu Dhabi.

“We believe that it is imperative for all institutions and businesses to elevate and then maintain hygiene standards.

“Our dedicated team has been working closely with different stakeholders to ensure that this programme considers all elements of health and safety and we encourage all hotels and industry partners to attain the certificate.”
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