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Band profile: De Esspressivo

The classical duo bringing some class to Café Columbia

The Beach Rotana’s entertaining classical duo De Esspressivo are a sight in their elegant gowns at Café Columbia.

So how did the two of you meet?
Tanya (violin): We actually went to school together, but it wasn’t until we were travelling in Oman we decided to team up.

Is it uncomfortable to wear ball gowns while performing?
Ekaterina (piano): It can be harder, but this is our concept; we wanted to look like we are going to a ball, classy to match the classical music, it makes us different.Tanya: We wanted to surprise people, they think because we are classical duo, we only play classical. We also like playing Guns N’ Roses, Metallica, Coldplay and Lady Gaga.

What’s Abu Dhabi like to perform in compared to other places?
Tanya: People here seem to respond more to our music, people appreciate it more, you know they are paying attention to us, rather than just drinking their coffee.

Do you have a favourite song?
Tanya: Definitely ‘November Rain’ by Guns N’ Roses.
Ekaterina: The Argentinean tango, ‘La Composita’.

What song do you like to get the crowd active?
For us, it’s the French ‘Can-Can’, people even get up and dance!

What would you both be if your weren’t musicians?
I can’t imagine doing anything else. I started playing violin when I was six, it’s hard to imagine something else.
Ekaterina: I think I would actually be a pilot. My father is a pilot and it runs in my family

Where do you hope to be in five years time?
We want to have a long list of countries we have visited.
Tanya: We would like to travel a lot.
Cafe Columbia, Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi, Tourist Club Area (02 697 9000).