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More than half of UAE residents likely to book a staycation this summer

Time Out’s Social Distancing Survey reveals appetite for local holidays

More than half of UAE residents are likely to book a staycation this summer, according to Time Out’s UAE-wide Social Distancing Survey.

The survey, which polled more than 1,000 adult UAE residents in May, asked “As hotels and resorts are able to offer staycations and access to usual facilities, what are your feelings about booking a staycation in the UAE and Oman for this summer?”

Of 1,090 respondents, 18% said they would definitely book a staycation, while 34% described themselves as likely to book a staycation.

Twenty-six percent said they were unlikely to book a staycation, while 13% said they definitely would not, and nine percent said they did not do staycations.

In recent weeks, as hotel beaches have reopened, with pools expected to follow soon, hotels and resorts across the UAE have begun launching staycation offers in a bid to attract residents currently unable to travel.

Respondents to Time Out’s survey were also asked to describe how often, on average, they had typically booked a staycation over the course of the year, pre-social distancing.

While 22% said they never booked staycations, 24% said at least once a year, 22% at least twice a year, 21% said three-to-four times a year, 8% at least once every two months and 3% at least once a month.

Time Out’s Social Distancing Survey, which collected responses from adults living across the Emirates, ran for the month of May, and covered a number of topics, including the impact of the pandemic on personal finances, rent, family life, dining habits, shopping habits, holidays and leisure.

For more from Time Out’s Social Distancing Survey, click here.